{Reflecting on Modesty}

With all of this discussion about what is and what is not modesty, I have been thinking about the fact that some people cannot even afford the most modest of clothes. Just look at the majority of the Islamic shops around you and online. Long dresses can be as high as $100+. Long shirts and dusters can be $50+ - like the one pictured below. Long skirts are the same. Shukr is having a huge sale right now, and still some sisters cannot afford their sale prices. (In my opinion their regular retail prices are ridiculous and maybe even haram in terms of Islamic business ethics.)

Not everyone can afford these prices. So what are their choices if they don't have sewing skills and do not have the means to pay for a seamstress to tailor make something for them? They have to buy what's out there and do the best they can with what is available to them.

I say all this to say that we should not be so judgemental on a sister according to her clothing. Only Allah knows what her situation is and only He knows what her intentions are. Modesty is a branch of Iman, however that statement is not only pertaining to clothing. It also pertains to a person's character, her shyness, her humility, etc. These things are spoken of in the Qur'aan and Sunnah more than a Muslimah's dress-code, so I think that we should put just as much, if not more, focus on a person's character. Let's not beat each other down over what we wear, let's help each other be wonderful WHOLE Muslimahs, inshallah.
